Resource Centre | Virani Law Skip to main content

Resource Centre

When we experienced a house fire, we found that there was a lack of information available to homeowners. We designed this resource centre to empower homeowners with information that we have gathered while helping Canadian families and being on the ground in mass evacuation areas.

Getting started

If you have suffered a loss by fire, flood, or natural disaster; this information should help you understand the terms and processes of your insurance claim and avoid mistakes.


Issues often arise from the adjuster’s management of the repair or rebuild process. This information may provide insight into the buzzwords and processes involved.


The loss of personal possessions comes with not only the emotional toll of losing cherished possessions, but also the economic burden of replacing necessary items and furnishings. This information should help you understand how contents claims work and avoid costly mistakes.

Additional living expenses

Financial stress can lead to rushed judgements and confusion over what your Insurance Company should be covering, this information might help you understand what costs should be covered so that you can budget without leaving money on the table.


Suffering a physical loss at your business creates a disturbance that touches every aspect of the company. Financing the business interruption, replacing lost content and/or inventory, and management of the repair process can combine to create a seemingly insurmountable list of concerns. This information should help you separate each area of the claim and break the problem into manageable issues.

Virani Law is actively assisting the community of Jasper. We will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible.